Subtitle editor version history
subtitle horse SHIRE 2.4.0 (14.03.2022)
- ui: add subtitle module with speech recognition
- ui: most used functionalities can be found in the buttons module
- ui: subtitle position module
- ui: snap to "legal" gaps based on subtitle validation
- ui: copy/paste whole subtitles
- validation: advanced scene change validation
- validation: advanced subtitle gap validation
- configuration: all comments and open subtitles functionality can be disabled/hidden with one configuration value
- configuration: modules being defined in the workspace.json files can be disabled via setup
- preferences: toggle between frames and seconds in user friendly input fields
subtitle horse SHIRE 2.3.0 (09.12.2021)
- ui: new notes module
- ui: when re-ordering subtitles through user input, the user will be notified
- export: optional show the format as string in export module
- export: optional add sequence numbers / cue identifier numbers for VTT export
- export: new iTunesTimedText format for export
- other: detect browser and optional notify if the user's browser is not supported
- titles list: merge applies to the title after, if only one is selected
- find/replace: case sensitive search is not the default option anymore
- setup: add no-cache parameter to the URL of a subtitle file is not the default option anymore
- setup: configuration names are camelCase on all levels
- stt-editor: performance improvement
subtitle horse SHIRE 2.2.0 (05.08.2021)
- player: define the margin to bottom of subtitles in preview
- API: no API option - use the editor without any API
- player: update preview on active subtitle - option default value is now true
subtitle horse SHIRE 2.1.1 (02.03.2021)
Bug fix
- API: when subtitles are saved in a format different than JSON, the JSON format won`t be sent additionaly
subtitle horse SHIRE 2.1.0 (27.02.2021)
- ui: save different workspaces for speech-to-text and subtitle editor
- player: choose audiotracks in HLS streams
- STT editor: improved performance of long texts without seperation
subtitle horse SHIRE 2.0 (17.12.2020)
- ui: workspaces (configurable and tabbable)
- ui: custom workspaces
- ui: overview module
- ui: comments module
- ui: annotation module
- ui: show/hide modules by user or configuration
- ui: autocorrection window
- validation: for all subtitles (not only for the active one)
- validation: skip through subtitle with errors
- player: audio preview
- player: subtitle positioning
- titles list: editable duration
- titles list: underline formatting
- find/replace window: search for italic text
- offset window: change duration of subtitles
- shortcut added: formatting (bold, italic, underline)
- shortcut added: switch workspace
- shortcut added: show/hide module
- shortcut added: select from current position to start/end
- shortcut added: focus text
- shortcut added: remove focus
- shortcut added: play/pause active title from end time
- shortcut added: toggle waveform
- other: new dual language features (validation bar, preview, show in timeline)
- API: optional JS API
- ui: show/hide toolbar
- validation: all index-numbers marked in red when the subtitle has a validation error
- player: loop selected subtitles instead of looping only one subtitle
- titles list: optional display of italic text in blue
- titles list: disable time input fields via configuration
- timeline: show/hide waveform
- other: more text size options
subtitle horse SHIRE 1.0.9 (19.03.2020)
- validation: count space character is optional; item added in preferences
- split title: subtitle will split at media time, if within the active subtitle
- timeline: higher resolution when zooming in
- cookie: more preference items are saved in a cookie
- player: play/pause with a click on the video
- player: in fullscreen, toolbar will disapear after 5 seconds instead of 4
Bug fixes
- shortcuts: shortcuts will be saved with every change (free version)
- player: youtube player will show toolbar in fullscreen on mousemove
subtitle horse SHIRE 1.0.8 (09.12.2019)
- shortcuts window: menu bar for shortcut groups
- shortcut added: insert text
- shortcut added: add X frames start time, add X frames end time
- shortcut added: add X frames start time and glue, add X frames end time and glue
- shortcut added: play/pause active subtitle from end time
- other: added OPTIONS.bUnloadComfirmation, for confirmation on page unload
- ui: error message will be shown with no titles on batch/translate titles
- paste text: linebreaks are now exluded from html cleaner
- configuration: new default shortcuts
- configuration: new optional shortcuts set "no numpad"
- import: auto detect encoding
- core: shortcuts detection changed from keyCode to key and location
- core: shortcuts alt key added
- toolbar: new icons for Player time to start/end time, to represent the default shortcut
- timeline: with offset window and add at current time, titles will be shown imidiately
- timeline: now OPTIONS.sPlayerTitlesPreviewField applies also to timeline titles
- shortcuts window: insert text group added
subtitle horse SHIRE 1.0.7 (08.10.2019)
- menu: button in menu bar
- ui: contact window
- core: introduced media source "DISC", so users can subtitle a file from hard disc
- preload: with no media file configured, user can add media via input, before the editor loads
- preload: with no framerate configured, user can input it, before the editor loads
- about window: subtitle horse logo added
- ui: design adjustments
Bug fix
- general: fixed when the editor contains no title, error will be shown on active title functions
subtitle horse SHIRE 1.0.61 (10.07.2019)
- other: withdrawn timeline interaction change
- audiobuffer: much smaller and easier validatable horse-audiobuffer format
subtitle horse SHIRE 1.0.6 (02.07.2019)
- audiobuffer: new optional format
- export: word end time values are not overlapping in export
- ui: no timeline interactions in STT mode
Bug fix
- timeline: fixed regions color change (when zoomed out and not active)
- export: fixed export STT bug
subtitle horse SHIRE 1.0.5 (29.05.2019)
- text-module: introduced bUpdateTextOnPreview in STT-mode and added button in TEXT-module
- shortcut added: "SAVE:DEFAULT" and "SAVE:EXIT"
- configuration: "SAVE:EXIT" to the default shortcuts CTRL+s
Bug fix
- import: "Cannot read property 'nodeValue' of null"
subtitle horse SHIRE 1.0.4 (08.05.2019)
- player: loop title added (shortcut and player button)
- ui: play-title, goto-show-time buttons moved from toolbar to player module
- ui: new play-title icon
Bug fix
- export: bold and italic SRT
subtitle horse SHIRE 1.0.3 (11.04.2019)
- player: fullscreen
menu: conditional items: undo/redo will be disabled when not possible
player: introduced sPlayerTitlesPreviewField to hide/show fields in preview
player: introduced nPlayerPlaybackspeed: media can be played slower and faster
configuration: introduced sStartTime in horse_setup: the media will jump to sStartTime when loaded
configuration: introduced SETUP.api.bCheckServerResponse: if true the editor will show an error message,
when the server doesn`t respond with {"status": 200}, e.g. while autosave.
- import/export: vtt align and valign support
player: "OPAQUE-BACKGROUND" option added to sPlayerTitlesPreviewStyle
- titles list: scroll fine tuned
- history: more accuracy through creating steps in between server calls
- waveform: continue button when waveform generation went wrong
- cookie: write only the currently changed value
- titles list: disabled text-field no color change when focus
- titles list: no deselect active title in multi-selection
- configuration: made oGenerateAudioData an option
- batch/import: auto field detection
Bug fixes
- configuration: OPTIONS.nTimeInputFocusField force number bug
- ui: firefox triggered material menu and menu items on space-key fixed
- ui: css attribute telr-input placeholder to handle firefox cursor bug
- import: webVTT bug when srt formatted
- import: srt times import now correct
- preloader: buttons fire on space fixed uses cookies. Using means you`re okay with this.
The subtitle editor also uses HTML5 Local Storage which can be deactivated in the pereferences.
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